Unlock a User Account
Example of how to unlock a user account using ADSI
Accounts can be local or domain. Checks to see if the IsAccountLocked property of IADsUser object (true = locked).
Note: The "WinNT" is a 'namespace' and does not mean it only works on Windows NT.
* Script: UnlockAccount.js
* Purpose: Unlock user account domain or local.
* Author: Daren Thiel
* Date: 13 June 2004
* Web: http://www.winscripter.com
UnlockAccount( "yourdomain", "jsmith" );
// Unlock account using ADSI.
// Domain: Is the domain where the account resides, computer
// or domain accounts. For account local to a machine use
// the computer's netbios name. For domain accounts, use
// the domain name.
// Account: Is the account name to be unlocked.
function UnlockAccount( domain, account )
var user = GetObject( "WinNT://" + domain + "/" + account );
if( user.IsAccountLocked )
user.IsAccountLocked = false;
print( "Account Unlocked" );
print( "Account was not locked" );
catch( e )
print( "Error: " + e.description );
function print( msg )
WScript.Echo( msg );