WSH Get Fullname Property of a User Account
Read the fullname property of a user account. Other properties are read in a similar way.
* Script: getFullName.js
* Purpose: Returns the Full Name property of a user account.
* Author: Daren Thiel
* Date: 25 Mar 2001
* Web:
// Print out the full name property for "someuser" account on "ComputerA"
WScript.Echo( getFullName( "ComputerA", "someuser" ) );
* getFullName - Returns the Full Name property for a user
* example - var fn = getFullName( "DOMAIN", "someuser" );
* - var fn = getLFullName( "DOMAIN/Computer", "someuser" );
function getFullName( domain, user )
var m_user = GetObject( "WinNT://" + domain + "/" + user + ",user" );
return( m_user.FullName );
catch( e )
return( "Error: " + e.description );